Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please adhere to our Refund Policy: If you encounter an issue with the product that our technical support “cannot resolve”, we will provide a refund within 30 days of your purchase.
This is a digital product, we have no control over whether you can store all of our products and still request a refund. Therefore, please note that reasons such as “I don’t like the product”,” this is not for me”,or “I don’t have the software to edit” are not acceptable for claiming the Money Back Guarantee. Our sales page clearly outlines the product and its contents.
# REFUND PROCESS: For efficient refund processing, kindly note that all refund requests should be directed through our helpdesk, not via PayPal or your credit card company. Opening a dispute through these channels will unnecessarily prolong the refund process, potentially taking weeks or even months. We utilize the Warriorplus Platform for payment handling, and refunds must adhere to their policy. To request a refund, please send an email to us at
# PRODUCT USAGE POST-REFUND: Upon receiving a refund, you agree to delete all downloaded files from our website, and all rights to use the product will be revoked. We reserve the right to decline a refund if the client does not adhere to these conditions.
“PLR Rights License” is included in the Main Pack, granting you the freedom to use them for personal purposes and projects you create for your clients. This license also allows you to sell them on Amazon KDP, Etsy, or anywhere else, giving you full control over your creative endeavors and potential earnings.
Please reach out to our support desk at Our dedicated support team will assist you from there.